Luis Marques
Ph.D Student at Inria, Bordeaux
About me
I am a third year Ph.D Student, under the supervision of
François Clautiaux
Aurélien Froger,
at the
Inria Center of the University of Bordeaux
where I am part of the
I study mixed integer linear programming, with a special interest in arc flow and
aggregation and disaggregation methods.
Luis Marques
Ph.D Student at Inria, Bordeaux
About me
I am a third year Ph.D Student, under the supervision of
François Clautiaux
Aurélien Froger,
at the
Inria Center of the University of Bordeaux
where I am part of the
I study mixed integer linear programming, with a special interest in arc flow and
aggregation and disaggregation methods.
My background
I studied under the
program, a bachelor's and master's degree joint formation under the
Applied Mathematics and Statistics master.
The program explores many aspects of operations research, with a main focus on combinatorial
During the formation, I had the chance to go abroad for a semester in Odense, Denmark.
In the last two years, I did two internships, one at
in Bordeaux, where I worked on a travel time prediction module using machine learning techniques, and
in Paris, where I worked on the outage planning of nuclear plants using an arc flow formulation and
into account an objective function closer to the true industrial objective.
Industrial collaborations
Stay tuned for future updates !
Scientific services
- In October 2024, I animated a serious-game of the traveling salesman problem for children starting from 6 years old at the Data Party festival in Bordeaux, France. During the first day of the festival we had classes of children to whom we introduced the concept of algorithms and how they can be used to solve problems. During the second day, we had a stand where people of any age could come and play the game.